My reason for all of this
Hi all!! I figured starting a little blog on my website could be beneficial. Maybe help more people find me so we can work together, but also it might help you feel like you know me a little better. After all, you might book me to shoot your wedding, you want to make sure you’re actually going to want me there!
So, a littttttle intro to me. Im Kylie. I just turned 29 in August (yes I am an august leo, but I promise I love to see others shine even more than I love to shine myself). I am married…I never really thought I would be, but I started dating my husband and knew single life was over for me, but that’s a story for another time if you’re interested. Together we have the cutest, sweetest, silliest son (1.5 years old now, I’m not crying…you are). Also I really don’t think I am being biased because my son, he really is awesome. I’ve been in the navy for 5 years now, and before that I went to college, dropped out of college, and did a whole slew of random jobs.
While I was in college, I was super into all kinds of arts. Well, I still am, Im just focused on this one for me right now. But I did candle making, song writing, I went to TONS of basement shows for friends bands, and even tried my hand in fashion. I have really just loved finding and appreciating beauty in any way I can in my life thus far. So anyways, I always took tons of photos on my phone. I looove looking back and experiencing those memories again. Especially when I have been down, or away from everyone and everything I love, looking at old pictures has always had such a hold on me. Like that safety blanket thing, you know?
Well anyways, when I dropped out of college, had my early mid life (or I hope quarter life) crisis and joined the navy. Life happened so fast, I was just out having fun, meeting new people, seeing new places, and trying new drinks (lol). I kind of got away from any of my hobbies for a while cause I was just living it up. And I don’t meant to make it sound bad, cause I was definitely having fun….well fast forward a few years, Im married, have a baby. I felt so unlike myself. Like, I was so happy. Micah and Larry are the absolute lights of my life. But, I wasn’t doing anything just for me for so long, that I just felt like WIFE and MOM but not really like Kylie. Luckily, Larry is super supportive so he helped me cultivate my interest in photography and let me have the time and space to learn and enjoy this new/old interest of mine.
I had to be away from my family for a while while I was on and off the ship, so while I was out in San Diego alone I really dove head first into trying to get the skill to match my interest in photography. At first, I was just doing whatever, which was cool cause I got to see what I actually liked. I realized that portraits and couples were what I really enjoyed shooting.
So, Im doing that, when I get a message (from my now mentors) asking if id be interested in shooting a wedding with them. So Im like, hell yeah! 1. I love love and 2. that’s like some of the most beautiful scenarios to be able to photograph. I got to the wedding, and let me tell you…my freaking heart was exploding out of my chest. This was like a combination of everything I love. Seeing groups of people share such positivity, and genuine love for each other, partying, and literally everywhere you look just stunning views all around. I was floored. I knew right then that THIS is for me. THIS is what I want to do. Luckily, my mentors asked my back to shoot more weddings, and then more people started asking me as well. A freaking dream come true.
And, I’ve got to say…like sometimes I think it will ware off. The buzz I get from getting to be around all these people and celebrate them and their love. But it doesn’t. Like, seeing how happy these couples and family members are in their moment, and knowing that I get to capture that for them…whew! I don’t think it gets better than that.
So now, I am getting to live this dream of being a Southern California wedding photographer…Can you believe it?!
Well. That’s how I got here. And a little background on me. I’ll be writing more soon, but I gotta get to bed. Goodnight and sweet dreams.
Talk to ya soon,